Saturday, January 8, 2011

God's Will

The other day someone said to me, "If God had meant me to fly, He would have given me wings."  Although I have heard this saying countless times, I never really took the time to think about it.  How can any of us, mere human beings, possibly know what God's will is?  If He had never meant us to fly, he probably wouldn't have given us advanced brains that help us build technology.  If He had never meant for us to leave the Garden of Eden, he wouldn't have given us free will.  Life is hard enough without constantly wondering what God has in store for us.  Although complicated and painful at times, the one thing we should hold on to is that God has a plan for all of us, whether or not we choose to believe it or adhere to it. 

Friday, January 7, 2011


"Worry about the things you can control, pray about the things you can't."  I can't remember where I heard this quote, but I remind myself of it all the time.  I have figured out a lot of things in my 29+ years, and one big thing is that I can't control everything, no matter how hard I try.  None of us are perfect, it's one of the things that makes us human.  The mistakes that we make, the trials we go through, they're what make us human.  Today I was wondering, if I knew I was going to die tomorrow, what would I do today?  And I realized that, I'm doing everything thing I can right now to get where I want to be in the future.  I'm going to school, working hard, and planning my future with my husband.  I have a surgical consult on 1/17 to *hopefully* find a solution to my back pain.  My family and friends know how much I love them, even if I don't get to see them or say it enough.  I imagine that, if I knew I were going to die tomorrow, I would try to see everyone before I went.  I wouldn't regret a thing.  It feels good to think that I don't have regrets anymore.  There are a million things in this life I probably would've done differently if I knew better, but it all has made me who I am.  All of my loved ones accept me for who I am, and it's about time I do the same.  It sounds kind of morbid I know, but I guess it's the best way to explain that I am content where I am in life.  None of us knows what the future holds, so we should do all we can to make the best of ourselves while we can.