Friday, December 3, 2010

Bringing everyone up to speed

Ok so I made sure to get all the good stuff out of my system before actually writing a serious blog.  Things on this end are going very well, actually.  Jeremy finally finished his Master’s thesis and ended up with a 3.9 GPA overall.  I’m really proud of him; he worked his butt off for it!  Not he’s working on a certificate in Criminal Justice; apparently he’s as interested in criminals as I am!  I’m winding down my first Master’s class, and I’m getting an A in it so far so that’s exciting.  We had a great trip to Illinois for Christmas; Preston came with us so that made it all the better.  Can’t wait to go to Michigan for Christmas so he will finally meet my side of the family!  We got to go see Caitlin and Chloe the other night, Chloe is growing and changing so fast it’s amazing!  She’s such a beautiful, sweet baby, I’m so glad we get to be a part of her life!  I have a surgical consult for my back next month, so maybe after 10 years I might get a little relief from all this pain.  Of course everyone at work is freaking out, but I’m pretty sure we’ll manage through it.  Other than that it’s pretty much the mundane, everyday stuff on our end.  Not that I mind, we’re pretty happy that way J

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